Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week 5 MOOCs

Week 5 has brought me new knowledge about a resource I've never heard of called a MOOC.  A MOOC is a Massive Open Online Course that is offered to anyone at no cost.  Notable universities have taken interests, some have even partnered up to provide non-credit courses for free to the general public.  This movement to make shared content and courses accessible for free is so new, I'm not quite sure what to make of it.  I'm not sure what the trend is about continuing this movement but I'm very curious about the why.  Why are these universities offering courses for free? What is their motive, if any?
I spent hours looking at different sites that offer MOOCs because I was genuinely interested in signing up for a course that I felt would supplement my learning at the University.  I signed up through Coursea for a course titled Fundamentals of Online education: Planning and Application.  On day one of the course there was so much confusion and technology glitches that the course staff temporarily suspended the course until further notice in order to make necessary improvements.  This left me feeling more stressed out because I literally wasted hours searching and deciding on that course. to be continued...

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