Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week 4 & Mooc's

Learning about MOOC's in our fourth week of class has made me really curious about the types of courses and the Universities offering them.  As I read more into the history of how MOOC's have come to be, I still find myself questioning the motives behind it all.  How can such notable universities be offering courses for free and more importantly why?  I looked at several sites including courseaudacityedx, and Canvas Network.  I was shocked to see the wide selection of course subjects and levels of learning that were offered.
I spent over 2 hours intrigued by it all while searching for a course that might assist my learning in this educational technology program.  I was able to sign up for a course offered by Gerogia Tech titled
Fundamentals of Online Education: Planning and Application.  Only 2 days later I was emailed a notification that the course has been suspended due to "some choices made in the initial design of the class that didn't work out as well as we'd hoped."  I was really bummed because I spent a lot of time deciding on this course.  But I guess you can't complain, after all it is free.
I struggled to find another MOOC that interested me.  I looked up courses on Canvas Network and decided on a course titled Social Media.  Students explore emerging social media technologies and processes and study their application in a variety of contemporary settings. Students will learn how to use and author content for online tools such as blogs, microblogs, collaboration mechanisms, podcasts, RSS-feeds, video, bookmarking, and other emerging web technologies

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