Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Daily Create- The Sky

Read my post: I'm user: dpangeli

Daily Create

The Daily Create is an interesting idea.  I view this site as a way for beginner tech people, like myself, to be introduced to different programs, websites, or apps that allow you to create things in different ways and share with others.  I also see this site as a way to keep your "creative juices" flowing.

I had to create yet another account in order to get this assignment going.  I've heard of Flickr but don't quite understand it fully.  I'm always uneasy when signing up for new accounts, especially the ones who require the account to be linked to your email account.  Is this safe.  Flickr app also needed me to turn my location on just to grab photos from my album.  I don't know if I'm just being paranoid but I'm always fearful of identity theft.  I also have to figure our some sort of management system to safely keep all my user names and passwords for all these new accounts in order.  Any suggestions anyone?

 I will be embarking on my first few Daily Create posts. Viewing some of the archived assignments and looking at other peoples work has got me excited.  I hope this goes well.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Beginner Blogger

Hello ETEC 647e friends!!
I just wanted to create this first post to start up my new blog for our class.  It's just the beginning of 2013 and I have learned so much already.  Like many others, I'm particularly reflective as a new year begins.  Thinking about the previous year and changes I'd like to make helps me plan how to begin anew.  I always like to start off the new year with new learning.  With 3 classes in my 2nd semester of the OTEC program, my learning of new things is at an all time high!  It's been very busy but still exciting.  I'm trying to acclimate myself to this new schedule and am finding it somewhat difficult to keep everything neatly together.  Balancing a full time teaching position with full time graduate status is surely going to be a challenge, so I'd appreciate any tips and advice or helpful links that you feel might help me along the way.  Thanks for reading!